Erasmus+ Projektwoche
Have you ever thought about studying in another country?
We´ve got the chance to get an insight into the Austrian
and Czech school systems as part of an Erasmus+ exchange.
In April, 20 students from Brno visited Mureck and spent a week with 4th year students of BAfEP Mureck.
To get to know each other we started our week with some pizza and chatting on Monday evening when the students from Brno arrived. The next day we were divided into two groups to work on the topics “Languages we learn” and “Elementary education in the Czech Republic and Austria”. The first group, made up of students from the First German Mendel´s Grammar school and students from the BAfEP Mureck, compared the Czech, English and German languages to find differences and similarities. The other group, made up of students from the Secondary Pedagogical School in Brno and students from the BAfEP Mureck, was divided into five small groups and each one worked on one area of childhood education such as aesthetics and design and four students compared our two schools.
To round off the day with a sweet experience, we visited the Zotter chocolate factory and tasted us through various varieties of chocolate.
On Wednesday the students from Brno got the opportunity to attend lessons at our school and visit our practice kindergarten. We couldn't miss the chance to experience Styria by having dinner at the Buschenschank Kolleritsch.
We spent Thursday in Graz in order to discovery the capital city of Styria. We started the day by visiting the History Museum. Afterwards, we had a photo challenge at different sights and some free time to spend together.
On our last day together in Mureck we summarized our experiences and had to say goodbye for now.
We are all very looking forward to visiting Brno in June and seeing each other again.
Bis bald!